Weather Station


 Latitude N 40° 19' 19"    Longitude W 76° 35' 46"    Elevation 564 ft

Dawn: 06:49 Sunrise: 07:19 Moonrise: 03:28 Moon
Dusk: 17:11 Sunset:  16:40 Moonset: 14:35
Daylight: 10:22 Day length: 09:21 Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
There will be 0min 40s less daylight tomorrow

Welcome to The Public Works of North Londonderry Township.

The weather station in use is the Vantage Pro2 Wireless, and these pages are updated every 5 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Forecast: Partly cloudy with little temperature change.

Conditions at local time 08:30 on 11 December 2020
Inside Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 73.3 °F Humidity 30%
Outside Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 34.8 °F Temperature Trend +0.3 Deg/hr
Windchill 34.0 °F Dew Point 19.4 °F
Heat Index 34.8 °F Humidity 53%
Solar Radiation / UV Index
Solar Radiation  114 Watts/m2 UV Index  0.0
Rainfall Today 0.00 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall This Month 0.35 in Rainfall This Year 34.08 in
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last Rain 2020-12-05 01:23
Storm Event Started ----- Rainfall This Storm 0.00 in
    A "Storm Event" requires .02 inches of rain to start and 24 hours with no rain to end that event.  
10 Min.Avg. 1.9 mph Gust 3.0 mph
Wind Bearing 16° NNE Beaufort F1 Light air
Barometer  1021.96 mb Steady -0.01 mb/hr
Battery Condition
Console  4.70v 
|Gauges| |Today| |Yesterday| |This Month| |This Year| |Records| |Monthly Records| |Trends|

Page updated 12/11/2020 8:30:00 AM
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)